Doc Talks About His Monte Carlo “Street Beast”

Street Outlaws Doc talks about whats under the hood of the Street Beast


Doc was recently on the Chief and Shawn show. While on the show Big Chief asked Doc to talk about the performance of the Street Beast. Doc has had his 1970 Monte Carlo for several years and has upgrade every part of the car. As you know all of the racers on Street Outlaws like to street race so naturally Doc wanted to go faster and started racing for money. Currently the Street Beast has a Big Block 728ci Morgan and Sons built engine that has 4 stages of nitrous. As you've seen on the show most of the time when he trys to run all 4 of this kits he usually blows off the tires or blows up the engine.


Street Beast 2016 Upgrades


Street Beast Engine 4 Kits
Street Beast Engine 4 Kits
Doc's 728ci Big Block with 4 Nitrous stages!
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This winter in order to keep up with all the "pro mods" Doc is lighting up the Street Beast. At the end of the video below you'll get to see a sneak peak of whats going on. On Doc's Facebook page "Street Beast" he has said that he is selling old parts to afford the upgrades that are totally roughly 25k. The Street Beast most notably is getting a lighter front end, new rearend and the steel floors cut out and replaced with lighter carbon fiber. So watch out for Doc's Street Beast and check out the video below to listen in on what Doc said on the Chief and Shawn show!


Doc talks Street Beast Performance Video

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